All about recycled diamonds - I was interviewed for JCK Magazine

Why I Use Recycled and Reused Diamonds

IN a whirlwind of a year, I kinda sorta forgot to mention that I was interviewed for JCK Magazine about how and why I use recycled and reused diamonds.

In an industry where that are no easy answers, and often no simple or straight forward answers, choosing reused diamonds is one of the easier choices I can make as a designer.

Is it perfect? No. Absolutely not.

Using reused and recycled diamonds actually points to a larger problem in the industry, which is that even after many years of awareness, of new initiatives and after many years of independent jewelry designers asking for better sources, the presence of reused diamonds reminds us that we still aren’t there yet.

There being a place with systems for tracing and tracking diamonds, there being a place where miners are paid fairly for their labor and there being a place where diamond mining isn’t an ecological problem.

Reused and recycled diamonds grant us access to diamonds in a MORE traceable way than newly mined diamonds, but there is no residual benefit to the original miners of the stones.

Read more about what I had to say about sourcing recycled and reused diamonds in this JCK editorial